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  • Learn How to 3D Areola Tattoo Online & Build a Rewarding Business

    3D areola tattooing is a specialized field of permanent makeup that can be used to recreate or enhance the appearance of a nipple and areola after breast cancer surgery or other trauma. The goal of the tattoo is to create a three-dimensional, realistic-looking nipple that is as close to the client's natural nipple as possible. For professionals seeking to perfect their skills and earn rewarding income from the trade, Valencia's World of Beauty offers online training for 3D areola tattooing. This article is a precursor of the skillset needed to become an areola tattoo artist. Stay up-to-date on the latest techniques and trends in this demanding field. 3D Areola Tattooing Online Course 3D areola tattooing can be a very rewarding career, as it allows artists to use their skills to help people who have been through a difficult experience. Many artists find it very satisfying to see the positive impact that their work can have on others. Areola tattooing is a complex and challenging field, but it also offers artists a great deal of creative freedom. There are many different techniques that can be used to create realistic and beautiful tattoos, and artists are constantly coming up with new and innovative ways to improve their work. Let's touch on some of the techniques discussed in VWB courses... Color Theory Color theory is essential for creating realistic-looking 3D areola tattoos. The artist needs to be able to choose the right colors to match the client's skin tone and to create the illusion of depth and dimension. The areola is typically a shade of brown or pink, and the nipple is a darker shade of brown or red. The artist will need to choose a variety of colors to create these shades, and they will need to be able to mix the colors to get the precise shade they need. In addition to choosing the right colors, the artist also needs to be aware of how colors interact with each other. For example, light colors will make an area look larger, while dark colors will make it look smaller. The artist can use this knowledge to create the illusion of depth and dimension in the tattoo. Sign up for our online training for an in-depth understanding of color theory as it applies to nipple tattooing. Choosing the Right Colors The following are some tips for choosing the right colors for a 3D areola tattoo: Start with a base color close to the client's skin tone. The base color will make up the majority of the areola, so it is important that it is a good match. Add darker colors to create shadows and depth. The darker colors will be used to create the illusion of three-dimensionality. Add lighter colors to create highlights. The lighter colors will be used to make the tattoo look more realistic. Mix the colors carefully to get the precise shade you need. It is important to mix the colors evenly to avoid a blotchy appearance. Types of Needles The type of needle used will affect the appearance of the tattoo. Different needle sizes and shapes will create different effects. Various needles include round liner needles, shaders, and curved magnums. Each tool has various uses for achieving different results. The artist must choose the right needle type for the desired effect. For example, they would use a round liner needle to create the outline of the nipple, and they would use a magnetic coil needle to create the shading. In our online course, we explain the types of needles and offer recommendations on affordable products to purchase to get started. Ignite Your Passion With a Rewarding Career 3D areola tattooing is a complex technique that requires skill, artistry, knowledge of color theory, proper tools, and, most importantly, connecting with trauma patients and restoring their self-confidence. The proper training is key to this endeavor. Sign up for our training classes online and learn from industry-leading instructors with step-by-step video guides in a learn-at-your-own-pace environment. Additionally, we teach you how to connect with surgeons and organizations to obtain clients, and you will receive downloadable PDF of consent forms, plus gain access to our Facebook Group for ongoing support. Photo by NAMYNOT Inc.

  • Benefits of 3D Areola Tattooing

    3D areola tattooing, often referred to as areola micropigmentation or nipple-areola complex tattooing, is a procedure primarily utilized for breast cancer survivors who have undergone a mastectomy, breast reconstructions, or for individuals with congenital conditions or trauma that affected the appearance of their areolas. Here are some of the benefits of 3D areola tattooing: Benefits of 3D Areola Tattooing Restoration of Natural Appearance Using advanced tattoo techniques, the tattoo artist can create a realistic-looking areola and nipple. This is especially beneficial for those who have lost their areolas due to surgery or trauma. Boosted Self-confidence Regaining a more natural appearance of the breast can have a profound impact on self-esteem and body image, especially after challenging medical procedures. Non-Surgical Procedure 3D areola tattooing is non-invasive compared to surgical nipple reconstruction. As such, it usually involves a shorter recovery time and less risk of complications. Additionally, the pain can be compared to a regular tattoo. Some recipients have experienced no pain after a mastectomy because their nerves are severed. Personalization Tattooing allows for a degree of customization in terms of the size, shape, and color of the areola, letting the individual choose an appearance they feel most comfortable with. Strategic Scar Concealment The procedure can also help mask scars from surgeries, which might be around the areola area. See the amazing before and after results from satisfied customers at Valencia's World of Beauty: Affordable Compared to some surgical interventions, 3D areola tattooing can be more affordable. At Valencia's World of Beauty, we charge $250 for one nipple and $500 for two. Closure After Breast Cancer Journey For many breast cancer survivors, the tattooing procedure symbolizes the final step in their treatment and recovery journey. It offers emotional and psychological closure. Long-lasting Results Although it might need touch-ups over time, especially if it fades, the results are generally long-lasting—a touch-up costs only $150 at VWB. Safe When Done Correctly When done by a trained and experienced professional using sterile equipment, areola tattooing is safe. Proper aftercare also helps in preventing infections and ensuring proper healing. Can Be Combined with Surgical Reconstruction For individuals who opt for surgical nipple reconstruction, tattooing can be done afterward to enhance the color and appearance. It's essential for individuals to research and find experienced tattoo artists who specialize in 3D areola tattooing, as the technique requires specific skills to achieve the most natural and realistic results. Not only does VWB offer this restorative service, but we also teach professionals how to master the techniques in our online courses. Get started with us today by scheduling a consultation! Photo by NAMYNOT Inc.

  • The Risks & Complications of 3D Areola Tattooing

    Like any medical procedure, 3D areola tattooing carries some risks and complications. These are relatively rare, but it is important to be aware of them before deciding whether or not to undergo the procedure. The Risks & Complications of 3D Areola Tattooing Some of the potential risks and complications of 3D areola tattooing include: Infection Any time the skin is broken, there is a risk of infection. This is why it is important to follow your artist's instructions carefully for cleaning and caring for your tattoo. Allergic Reaction Some people may be allergic to the pigments used in tattooing. This can cause a rash, itching, or swelling. If you have any concerns about allergies, be sure to discuss them with your artist before the procedure. Granulomas Granulomas are small bumps that can form around the tattoo pigment. These are usually harmless and go away on their own, but they may need to be treated by a dermatologist if they are severe or persistent. Keloids Keloids are raised scars that can form at the site of a tattoo. These are more common in people with darker skin tones. If you are at risk for keloids, you may want to avoid 3D areola tattooing or talk to your artist about ways to minimize the risk. MRI Distortion If you need to have an MRI scan in the future, the tattoo pigment may cause distortion in the image. This is usually not a problem, but it is important to let your doctor know that you have a tattoo before the scan. In addition to these risks, it is important to keep in mind that 3D areola tattooing is a permanent procedure. This means that once you have the tattoo, it will be very difficult to remove completely. If you are considering 3D areola tattooing, be sure to weigh the risks and benefits carefully. Talk to your doctor and your artist to get all of your questions answered before making a decision. To minimize these risks, it's essential to: Choose a skilled and experienced areola tattoo artist. Ensure that the facility follows strict hygiene and sterilization protocols. Discuss potential allergies or skin conditions with the artist before the procedure. Carefully follow aftercare instructions. Lastly, it's always a good idea to consult with healthcare professionals before undergoing the procedure to understand individual-specific risks. If you are seeking an experienced and skilled areola tattoo artist, don't hesitate to consult with the professionals at Valencia's World of Beauty! Photo by NAMYNOT Inc.

  • A Breast Cancer Survivor's Testimonial of Transformative 3D Areola Tattooing

    Breast cancer survivors, following reconstructive surgery or mastectomy, often grapple with the absence of one or both nipples. This absence can intensify the emotional scars left by the ordeal. However, 3D areola tattooing offers a ray of hope, creating an authentic-looking three-dimensional nipple through a subtle illusion. Valencia's World of Beauty, a prominent Chicago-based establishment, has extended this transformative service to many, helping survivors regain a semblance of their prior selves. Our seasoned team, renowned for its empathy and expertise, guides clients through the intricacies of the procedure, including eligibility, the process, the potential pros and cons, cost implications, and more. A poignant testimony to the profound impact of areola tattooing is Marianne Sarcich, a breast cancer survivor and ardent advocate for the procedure post-reconstruction. Recounting her journey, Sarcich expressed, "I never felt like me again, even after my breast reconstruction." She described her reasons for areola tattooing, "I could not even look at myself in the mirror, and I did not feel whole. I thought that tattoo would help turn my reconstructed breast into something I could accept as mine." For those contemplating the procedure, an initial consultation awaits at Valencia's World of Beauty, available for virtual and in-person consultations at our Oak Lawn location. One of the most common inquiries is the pain quotient... do 3D areola tattoos hurt? To this, Sarcich clarifies, "I felt nothing because I had no feeling in that breast. Mastectomy cuts the nerves." For many, the pain is minimal- or comparable to receiving a tattoo on other body parts. The aftermath of the procedure often witnesses a resurgence in self-confidence. Sarcich's personal testament underscores this, "To see my new tattoo in the mirror when she was done with absolutely transformative." She elaborates, "The emotional healing that seemed to magically happen because of that tattoo was so deep." She offers some sound counsel: prioritize seasoned tattoo artists over plastic surgeons, given their nuanced understanding of the right inks, ensuring longevity and realism. Furthermore, securing clearance for the tattoo from one's surgeon is crucial. On the financial front, while national averages hover between $350-500 for a single nipple and $600-815 for a pair, Valencia's World of Beauty offers a competitive rate of $250 for one and $500 for two, uncompromised in quality. Notably, many insurance plans are extending coverage or reimbursements for this transformative procedure. Furthermore, the non-profit, Sharsheret, through its Best Face Forward 2.0 initiative, provides grants for complimentary 3D areola tattoos. For those in the vicinity of Chicago pondering over areola tattooing, Valencia's World of Beauty stands as a beacon of excellence. Thorough research, aided by perusing artist portfolios, is indispensable in finding the right artist. Got a story related to this transformative journey? We're all ears. Share with us here. Photo by Thirdman

  • How Much Does a 3D Areola Tattoo Cost?

    For those who require nipple reconstruction after overcoming breast cancer, such as after a mastectomy or breast surgery, 3D areola tattooing is an ideal option at an affordable cost. So, how much does a 3D areola tattoo cost? National averages range from $350-500 for one nipple and $600-815 for two. However, the professional and experienced tattoo artists at Valencia's World of Beauty charge only $250 for one nipple and $500 for two- without sacrificing quality. Learn more and book a virtual or in-person consultation today! The Cost of 3D Areola Tattooing We get asked questions about costs frequently. Here are the answers to many of your concerns: How Much Does Insurance Cover for 3D Areola Tattoos? In some cases, insurance may cover the cost of 3D areola tattoos. This is more likely if the tattoo is done for medical reasons, such as reconstructing a nipple after mastectomy. However, it is important to check with your insurance company to see if they offer coverage for 3D areola tattoos. If your medical insurance does not cover the work, consider it far more affordable than nipple reconstruction procedures. What Are the Risks of 3D Areola Tattoos? Like any tattoo, there are some risks associated with 3D areola tattoos. These risks include: Infection: Any break in the skin, such as a tattoo, can increase the risk of infection. The risk of infection can be reduced by following the aftercare instructions carefully. Allergic reaction to the ink: Some people may have an allergic reaction to the ink used in tattoos. This can cause redness, swelling, and itching. In rare cases, an allergic reaction can be severe and require medical attention. Scarring: Any tattoo can cause scarring, but the risk can be higher for 3D areola tattoos. This is because the tattoo artist needs to create depth and shading, which can damage the skin. Color fading: The color can fade over time, as with any tattoo. Don't fret because the color can be enhanced with a touch-up. 3D areola tattoo touch-ups at Valencia's World of Beauty are $150. Blurry or uneven results: The results of a 3D areola tattoo can be blurry or uneven if the tattoo artist is not experienced or if the technique is not used properly. This is not an issue with the experienced professionals at VWB. Take a look at some of our amazing before and after photos below! How Do I Find a Qualified 3D Areola Tattoo Artist? When choosing a 3D areola tattoo artist, finding someone experienced and qualified is important. Ask for recommendations from friends, family, or doctors. Do your research online and read reviews. Check out our 5-star reviews on Google from real customers. What is the Aftercare Process for 3D Areola Tattoos? After getting a 3D areola tattoo, it is important to follow the aftercare instructions carefully. This will help to ensure that the tattoo heals properly and that the results are ideal. Here are some of the things you will need to do: Keep the area clean and dry. Apply antibiotic ointment as directed. Avoid sun exposure. Expect some swelling and redness. Astronomical 3D areola costs shouldn't compromise the path to feeling whole, confident, and empowered. Valencia's World of Beauty offers you top-tier expertise and a cost-effective solution to reclaiming your body's narrative. With competitive rates, exceptional results, and a team that truly understands your journey, the decision seems clearer than ever. Don't let hesitation steal away another moment of self-assurance and pride. Book a virtual or in-person consultation with Valencia's World of Beauty today. Your masterpiece awaits. Photo by NAMYNOT Inc.

  • The Process of 3D Areola Tattooing

    Navigating the intricate landscape of 3D areola tattooing can seem daunting, but with the right information, you'll be well-equipped. Let's delve deeper into the process that promises a blend of artistry and restorative outcomes. The Process of 3D Areola Tattooing Initial Consultation The foundational step in this journey is a thorough consultation. At Valencia's World of Beauty, we offer virtual and in-person consultations at our beautiful salon in Oak Lawn. Here, your preferences, questions, and concerns will be addressed. Detailed discussions about desired hues, design dimensions, and other specifications will set the stage for the subsequent procedure. Medical Assessment Safety always comes first. Before any procedure, it's imperative to review your medical history. Certain conditions, including autoimmune diseases or a history of skin disorders, can influence the tattooing process and its outcomes. For a list of restrictions, refer to this list. Technique and Tools Understanding the tools and techniques that underpin this procedure can demystify much of the process. From selecting the right pigments to mastering the techniques required for the 3D effect, precision and expertise are paramount. The Tattooing Process Upon ensuring that everything is in order, the actual tattooing begins. The emphasis remains on mirroring a natural appearance, and every stroke of the needle aims to deliver just that. Post-Procedure Care Once your procedure is completed, diligent aftercare is crucial. This involves ensuring that the tattooed area remains clean, moisturized, and free from any external irritants, promoting optimal healing. Potential Risks As with any medical or cosmetic procedure, certain risks are involved. Common side effects can include slight swelling, redness, or tenderness. Being aware of these and knowing how to manage them ensures a smoother recovery process. Follow-Up and Adjustments Sometimes, a follow-up session might be required to fine-tune the appearance. This session ensures that every detail, from color density to shape integrity, aligns with your expectations. If you need a touch-up session, book with us today! Economic Considerations Understanding the financial aspects allows you to make an informed decision regarding the procedure. Our process is inexpensive and lasts for a long time. In conclusion, 3D areola tattooing is a meticulous blend of art and science. Armed with this comprehensive knowledge, you are now better positioned to make decisions that align with your goals and health considerations. Your journey toward restoration and confidence begins here. Photo by NAMYNOT Inc.

  • Who is a Good Candidate for 3D Areola Tattooing?

    Undergoing any surgical procedure, especially one as significant as a mastectomy, can deeply influence a person's self-image. For many, the aftermath can evoke a strong desire to reclaim a part of themselves. That's where 3D areola tattooing enters the scene, a specialized procedure tailored for individuals who seek a more natural-looking appearance after surgery. Understanding 3D Areola Tattooing: Is It Right for You? Defining the Ideal Candidate Is 3D areola tattooing the right choice for you? An ideal candidate for this transformative procedure is typically someone who: Has undergone a mastectomy or any surgery resulting in the loss of nipples or areolas. Is exploring options that offer a more natural aesthetic post-surgery without the extensive processes involved in surgical reconstruction. Sees value in choosing a less invasive and more budget-friendly procedure than nipple reconstruction surgery. Understands and accepts the nature of tattooing — it might entail certain levels of discomfort and, like all procedures, carries its own set of risks, which could range from infections to potential scarring. For many, the allure of 3D areola tattooing goes beyond the physical; it's about regaining confidence and experiencing comfort in one's body post-surgery. The procedure often acts as a significant step in improving one's body image and self-esteem. Factors to Mull Over However, before you embark on this journey, there are crucial aspects to consider: Age considerations: While 3D areola tattooing is broadly deemed safe across age groups, it's prudent for those above 65 to have a detailed discussion with their physician. Health status: Individuals with certain health conditions, be it diabetes or a compromised immune system, might face an elevated risk of complications post-procedure. Here is a list of restrictions you should be aware of prior to a consultation. Setting realistic expectations: No procedure is flawless. While 3D areola tattooing aims to closely mimic the natural appearance, one should recognize that results might vary slightly from your original areolas. Finding the Right Professional Your journey toward restoration and healing hinges on making informed decisions. When considering a 3D areola tattoo, prioritize thorough research. Seek a tattoo artist with robust experience, especially one familiar with the nuances of working with breast cancer survivors. As you navigate this path, remember expert assistance is within reach. At Valencia's World of Beauty, we host seasoned 3D areola tattoo artists dedicated to guiding you every step of the way. Book a consultation today, and let's embark on this transformative journey together. Photo by NAMYNOT Inc.

  • Why Choose 3D Areola Tattooing?

    Ladies (and gents,) when facing the decision of breast reconstruction, you've probably encountered a maze of options; understandably, it can be overwhelming. But let’s chat about a trend that's been making waves for a good reason... 3D areola tattooing. There are several why you should consider it. If you have undergone a mastectomy, breast augmentation, or other breast surgeries and seek to restore or enhance the appearance of your nipple and areola for both aesthetic and emotional healing, consider 3D areola tattooing. Why choose 3D Areola Tattooing? Diving into the realm of breast reconstruction, 3D areola tattooing emerges as a blend of artistry and healing, offering a less invasive and cost-effective route to reclaiming your body's narrative. Why settle for the ordinary when this innovative approach boosts confidence, radiates natural aesthetics, and makes your body a masterpiece? Here are more convincing reasons... Advantages of 3D Areola Tattooing Over Nipple Reconstruction Surgery Less Invasive When it comes to enhancing the body, surgery has long been the go-to. But here's a fresh take: our 3D areola tattooing technique. This innovative method focuses solely on the skin's surface, eliminating the need for more invasive surgical procedures. So, step aside, surgery, there's a new player in town. Cost-effective Beauty and restoration shouldn't empty your pockets. With our technique, you can achieve a natural, stunning look without burning a hole in your wallet. Quality remains paramount, ensuring you save those precious dollars without compromising the results. Time Efficiency Who has the luxury of time for multiple surgical sessions in this fast-paced world? Here's where our approach shines. With just one session (or a touchup at best), you'll witness the magic unfold before your very eyes. Say goodbye to prolonged recovery periods and hello to instantaneous results. Permanence The allure of our technique isn't just its simplicity or cost-efficiency; it's the lasting results. Unlike certain surgical reconstructions that may necessitate touch-ups or redos over time, tattoos tend to stand the test of time. In essence, why keep revisiting when you can have a long-lasting solution from the get-go? Things to Consider Before Opting for a 3D Areola Tattoo Cost of the Procedure While 3D areola tattooing can be a more cost-effective alternative to surgical procedures, it's essential to understand the financial investment involved. Make sure you're informed about the full cost, including any follow-up appointments or touch-ups if needed. At Valencia's World of Beauty, a 3D areola tattoo ranges from $250-$500. Touchups are $150. Time Commitment Though often quicker than surgical alternatives, the procedure isn't instant. Depending on individual needs and the artist's recommendations, sessions can vary in length. Plus, factor in potential recovery time, even if minimal. It's essential to clear your schedule and be mentally prepared for the commitment. Pain Threshold While modern techniques often incorporate numbing agents, everyone's pain tolerance is different. Discuss any concerns with your tattoo artist and ensure you're comfortable with what to expect. Remember, it's a procedure on a sensitive area, and some discomfort might be a given. Potential Complications As with any cosmetic procedure, there are risks involved. Though complications are rare with experienced professionals, there's always the potential for infection, scarring, or adverse reactions to the ink. It's crucial to understand these risks, follow aftercare recommendations religiously, and choose a reputable artist with a track record of safety and excellence. Aftercare for a 3D Areola Tattoo: The Road to Perfect Healing Hygiene First After undergoing a 3D areola tattoo, the initial step towards seamless healing is ensuring the area remains immaculate. Prioritize keeping the tattooed area both clean and dry. This simple practice reduces the risk of potential infections and promotes faster recovery. Ointment Application To aid in the healing process and prevent unwanted complications, it's vital to use antibiotic ointment. Apply it as directed by your tattoo artist, ensuring you follow their guidelines meticulously. This not only fosters proper healing but also keeps the newly tattooed area supple and moisturized. Protect from the Sun Sun exposure can be the nemesis of a fresh tattoo. The UV rays can cause fading and prolong the healing time. It's crucial to shield the tattooed area from direct sunlight, especially in the initial stages of healing. If you do step out, remember to cover the area or use a strong SPF, but always consult with your artist first. Anticipate Physical Reactions While the allure of a fresh tattoo is undeniable, it's essential to brace oneself for some typical post-procedure reactions. It's not uncommon to experience some swelling and redness around the tattooed area. Remember, it's a sign your body is healing. Stay patient, keep up with your aftercare routine, and soon enough, you'll be flaunting your beautifully healed tattoo with pride. In the world of breast reconstruction, 3D areola tattoos are increasingly becoming the beacon of hope, artistry, and science. So, as you chart your path forward, remember this innovative, empowering option. Your body, your canvas! Allow the experts at Valencia's World of Beauty to perform your service. Photo by NAMYNOT Inc.

  • What is 3D Areola Tattooing?

    A 3D areola tattoo offers a lifelike nipple illusion post-surgery to recreate a natural-looking nipple. Imagine a technique that can beautifully mimic the look of a natural nipple and areola, especially if you've undergone surgery or experienced trauma. 3D Areola Tattooing does just that. While the skin remains smooth and flat, expert shading and design craft an illusion of depth, creating what appears to be a three-dimensional nipple. Think of it as artistry meeting paramedical expertise, all geared towards helping you embrace your body and regain confidence in your appearance. It's a thoughtful step towards feeling like yourself again after significant life events. Valencia's World of Beauty specializes in 3D areola tattooing. We can help you restore your confidence with this procedure. First, educate yourself on the process. When you're ready, book a virtual or in-person consultation in our Chicago studio. What is 3D Areola Tattooing? 3D areola tattooing is a remarkable service that offers a visual enhancement to the breast area, specifically for individuals who have lost their nipple and/or areola due to surgery or trauma. This can include cancer patients, sex changes, or from mastectomy scarring. By utilizing advanced tattooing techniques and specialized ink, this method simulates a realistic nipple and areola on a flat surface, giving the illusion of three-dimensionality. The Procedure During the procedure, a skilled paramedical tattoo artist uses specialized equipment and pigments to design and shade a nipple and areola that matches the natural color and shape of the client's preference or their original areola. Precision, artistic skills, and keen observation are employed to ensure the resulting tattoo looks as lifelike as possible. Here is a breakdown of the entire procedure. Post-Procedure and Aftercare After the tattooing session, it's crucial to follow aftercare instructions closely. This may include keeping the tattooed area clean, avoiding submerging it in water for a few days, and refraining from scratching or rubbing that area. Your tattoo artist will provide specific products or suggest over-the-counter ones to help with the healing process. Results and Healing Initially, the tattooed area might appear darker than intended. However, as it heals, it will lighten to its desired shade. Depending on individual factors, full healing can take several weeks. Throughout this period, it's vital to protect the tattooed area from direct sun exposure. What to Expect During Nipple Tattooing? When you come in for your 3D areola tattooing session, you'll first have a consultation (either virtually or in person) with the tattoo artist to discuss your desired results, color choices, and answer any questions you may have. During the actual procedure, comfort measures will be taken to ensure minimal discomfort. The process itself is meticulous and can take several hours, depending on the complexity. Why Do People Get Areola Tattoos? The primary reason people seek 3D areola tattoos is to regain a sense of wholeness and normalcy after surgeries like mastectomies. A mastectomy is a surgical operation to remove a breast. They help breast cancer survivors and those who've undergone various forms of chest surgery restore their confidence and body image. How Painful is an Areola Tattoo? Everyone's pain threshold is different. However, many describe the sensation as mild to moderate discomfort rather than outright pain. Topical anesthetics can be applied to minimize any discomfort during the procedure. Nipple Tattooing vs. Nipple Pigmentation Nipple tattooing involves creating a 3D illusion of a nipple, whereas nipple pigmentation focuses on shading and coloring the areola to restore or enhance its natural appearance. Both procedures aim to recreate a natural-looking nipple and areola, but the methods and results can differ. 3D Tattoos vs. 4D Nipple Reconstruction 3D areola tattoos create a visual illusion of a three-dimensional nipple on a flat surface. On the other hand, 4D nipple reconstruction is a surgical procedure that not only tattoos but also builds a physical protrusion to replicate a real nipple's look and feel. What Should I Do if I Have a Problem? If you notice any unexpected reactions, such as excessive redness, swelling, or signs of infection, it's essential to contact your tattoo artist or medical professional immediately. Always remember that post-procedure care plays a crucial role in ensuring the best outcome and preventing complications. Although a consultation would determine eligibility, our salon does have the following restrictions: Allergic to pigmentation and makeup. Has glaucoma and/or on blood-thinning medicines. Skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis on the treatment area. Under 18 years of age. Active skin cancer in the treated area. Experienced inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Undiagnosed rashes or blisters on the treatment area. Transmittable blood conditions (e.g., Hepatitis or HIV). Uncontrolled diabetes. Uncontrolled high blood pressure. Healing disorders. On skin medication like antasure, ro-accutaine, or steroids that thin/sensitize the skin. Undergoing or scheduled for radiotherapy/chemotherapy (must be 42 days post-treatment). Epileptic or experienced faint spells, dizziness, or excessive movement. Pregnant or lactating. In conclusion, 3D areola tattooing is a transformative procedure, offering those who've experienced nipple and areola loss a chance to regain a part of themselves. Through art and precision, this service not only restores physical appearance but also gives a boost in confidence and self-esteem. If you're considering this procedure, make sure to do thorough research and find a trusted professional to guide you through the process. The licensed and trained professionals at Valencia's World of Beauty can assist in the consultation and execution of 3D areola tattoos. Our pricing ranges from $250 to $500, depending on timing. For those who experience this amazing service and require a touchup, we charge $150 for a refresh. Photo by NAMYNOT Inc.

  • What is Ombre Brows aka Microshading

    In the evolving world of beauty and aesthetics, brow treatments have taken center stage, offering a myriad of options tailored to individual preferences. Ombre Brows, also known as Microshading, is one such technique that has garnered attention for its distinctive look. Delving into its nuances, alongside other prominent methods like Microblading and the Combination technique, will aid in discerning which brow treatment aligns best with your aesthetic aspirations. The Machine Technique Ombre Brows A shaded set of brows that heals in a soft, powdery look on the skin. Fades from soft in the front of the brows to darker at the tails. Great for all skin types and a great option if you fill your brows in with makeup. Which brow is right for you? Microblading (Just hair strokes) Very natural More touch-ups More scarring Not for all skin types Not good for coverups Combination (Hair strokes & shading) A hybrid of hair stroke and shading Great for added density and extra "fluff" Ombré Shading (Shading that is lighter at the front and darker towards the tail) "Makeup" look Less touch-ups Less scarring Good for all skin Good for coverups Your eyebrows play a pivotal role in defining your facial aesthetics, and choosing the right technique can make all the difference. Ombre Brows or Microshading offers a soft, gradient look that's versatile for various skin types. Comparing it with other methods like Microblading and the Combination approach equips you with the knowledge to make an informed decision. Remember, the essence lies in understanding what resonates with your style and skin type, ensuring your brows complement and enhance your natural beauty.

  • What Is Eyebrow Tinting?

    Eyebrow tinting is one of the most popular beauty treatments around. And for good reason, well-tinted eyebrows can really make a difference in your overall appearance. Not to mention, it can save you a lot of time in the morning since you won't have to prepare them yourself. If you're thinking about getting your eyebrows tinted, here's everything you need to know. What Is Eyebrow Tinting? Eyebrow tinting is the process of applying semi-permanent dye in order to shape, define, and enhance eyebrows. It is a great way to make your brows look fuller and more natural. The technique improves the existing hairs. The dye can initially tint the skin under the hairs, offering a fuller look. However, the tinting can fade within a few days. Eyebrow tinting is a relatively simple process. First, the technician will apply a light layer of petroleum jelly to your skin to protect it from the dye. Next, they will use a small brush to apply the dye to your eyebrows. The dye will usually need to sit on your brows for a few minutes before it is removed. And that's it! Once the dye is removed, you'll be left with beautiful, well-defined eyebrows. How often should you do Eyebrow Wax and Tint? Typically every 2 weeks. Looking for a professional and friendly salon to perfect your brows? Schedule your appointment with us today! How long does Eyebrow Tinting last? Tint last on normal to dry skin for up to 14 days and up to 7 days on oily skin with proper care. Depending on how fast your hair grows, clients usually come back for waxing and tinting between 2 and 3 weeks What are the Benefits of Brow Wax and Tinting? Brow tinting can save you time from filling in your brows daily for up to 2 weeks. If you have sparse or nonexistent brows, the tint will stain the skin to create fuller brows. You can also tint their brows prior to opting for our Ombre Powder Brows services which last up to 3 years. Tinting the brows first will allow you to see what their brows will potentially look like after receiving a more permanent option. What is the price range for Brow Wax services? At Valencia's World of Beauty, brow wax is $15. With tint, it's $45. Is Tinting good for Eyebrows? Yes and for several reasons. It's a quick and easy service you can have applied. It fills in your brows, making them look fuller. Since tinting is temporary, you can follow up treatments. And if you are considering microblading, tinting can give you an idea of what a more permanent solution could look like without making the commitment. What is Brow Tinting vs Microblading? The difference between brow tinting and microblading is dye versus ink, and the amount of time the procedure will last. As mentioned, eyebrow tinting is a temporary procedure to darken the brows using dyes or even henna. It dyes the hair and skin temporarily. Microblading is a semi-permanent solution very similar to a tattoo. The esthetician will use a tool to make hair-like cuts into the brow skin to add ink pigment to mimic natural hairs. In Summary It's a quick and easy way to give your eyebrows some extra oomph, and it can be done at home or at a salon. The dye can last up to two weeks, so you don't have to worry about maintaining your brows on a daily basis. Eyebrow tinting is a great option for those who have sparse or light-colored brows, as it can give the illusion of fullness and depth. If you're thinking about giving eyebrow tinting a try, book an appointment with our professional estheticians today!

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